Hot Hardware's How Much Ya Bench? - Version 2.0
Pentium !!! Coppermine 800 On The i820 Platform

April 17, 2000 - By Dave Altavilla 


HotHardware's Test System
Built for speed

 Full Tower ATX Case w/ 300W PS,  Pentium !!!  800EBSoyo SY-6ICA i820 Motheboard (review soon), 128MB of  800MHz (400MHz. DDR) Techworks  RDRAM, WD Expert AC418000 7200 RPM ATA66 Hard Drive, Elsa Erazor X2 AGP , Kenwood 72X CDROM, Win 98SE, NVidia 5.13 Drivers, DirectX 7.0a


ZD Winbench 99

Winbench 99 runs a suite of Productivity and Desktop Publishing Application benchmarks.  We concentrated on the CPU and FPU performance numbers of the chip at 800, 880 and 900MHz.  The 880MHz. setting was achieved by using a multiplier of 8 with the chip (as in a P3-800E) with an FSB clock of 110MHz.  This was the maximum clock speed with full stability for this CPU with an 8X multiplier.  800 and 900MHz. scores used a 6X multiplier (as with a P3-800EB) with 133 and 150MHz. Front Side Bus Speeds respectively.  Comparatively, in a recent review we did, involving an Athlon Clocked to 878 (close enough), Winbench CPU scores were taken at 74 and FPU scores at 4810.  This shows the P3-800 to have slightly better integer performance but slightly lower FPU performance versus an Athlon of the same relative clock speed.


ZD Winstone 2000 Content Creation

Here, in the ZDBOP Winstone 2000 Content Creation Tests, we see the Pentium 3 800EB really fly. These are great scores.  Actually, the 900MHz. score is better than 1GHz. processor scores we have seen on the web.  We ran this test three times for consistency and came within 1 tenth measurements each time, so we are fairly comfortable with the validity of the data.  The Soyo i820 board used here for the test proved to be a stable and speedy foundation for performance.

Of course, our day would not be complete without a little fun and relaxation.  What better to way to blow off steam, than Quake 3 Arena?

Remember, with this test we are now running in 4X AGP mode.


Quake 3 Arena Timedemo

Excellent results here as well but not quite up to par with scores we have produced on BX chipset or VIA Apollo Pro133A motherboards.  This is surprising especially when you consider the 900MHz. clock setting used for some of these tests.  We have noted this before in reviews of various i820 based boards, there seems to be some room for improvement with Intel's AGP Drivers for the new chipset.  As a result, even with AGP4X enabled, scores are still lower than we have seen  with other chipsets.  Hopefully, this will change as time goes on and revisions are made.


Even though our "How Much Ya Bench?" segment technically is not a full product review, we certainly came away from our experience, with the P!!! 800EB chip, with a great understanding of the performance and characteristics that lie within.   In short, the 800EB provides significant performance enhancements over its lower end siblings and is sure to provide enough power for whatever application you may have.  The chip is currently retailing on line for about $730, so it clearly is targeted as a high end product for workstations, servers or "power user" configurations.  All told the Intel Pentium!!! - 800EB is another great CPU engine from Intel!  


The Intel P3-800EB scores a HotHardware Heat Meter Rating of...

So, the question is, "How much ya bench"?  Drop us a line with your scores and let's compare notes.  Better yet, go to the HotHardware Conference Room and compare notes with lots of other folks too!



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