All is fair in love and war but what about a
"death match"? Let's see how each
of these boards does as a gaming system.

maturity and an over-clocked AGP bus allow the
BX133 to take the lead in the lower
resolutions. However, take a look at the
1024X768 scores and you'll notice things level out
quite a bit as we reach the GeForce 2's fill
rate. In any event, these are excellent
scores from both the SE6 and BX133-RAID. The
SE6 handily beats most every VIA based board we
have tested to date. Again, you need to
remember that our particular graphics card ran
solid in the BX133-RAID with a heavily
over-clocked AGP Bus Speed of 87.8 MHz. (133MHz.
with 2/3 divider). Most cards should run at
this speed but it definitely accounts for the
higher scores at lower resolutions with the

we've covered just about every aspect of the Abit
BX133-RAID and SE6 Motherboards, for you here
today. Both of these boards have a great
list of features. The BX133-RAID would have
been near perfection if it only had 1 more PCI
slot for a total of 6 like its SE6
counterpart. The SE6 has a few quirks that
are dismissible like the location of the ATX Power
Connector etc. Performance with respect to
both Abit products is top notch. However, we
hope that with time and maturity, the i815 chipset
will improve to new levels that will leave the
aging BX chipset behind for good.
you've seen the power and performance that RAID
technology can breath into a mature product like
the BX chipset. In RAID 0 mode, drive
performance was nothing but jaw dropping for us
and we are hard pressed to go back to anything
less now that we have tasted this kind of speed.
giving the Abit BX133-RAID a HotHardware
Heat Meter Rating of...
of our highest praise, the BX133-RAID also
gets our Editor's Choice Award!

award the Abit SE6 i815 Motherboard a
HotHardware Heat Meter Rating of...

all of this great stuff and more at Outside
Loop Computers!
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