Transcend's  AVE3 Socket 370 Motherboard
A newcomer makes a splash

By, Marco “BigWop” Chiappetta
June 7, 2000

Installation and Setup
Quick and painless

Physical installation of this board is a snap, as it is with just about every other ATX board available.  Depending on what CPU type you’ll be using, there is a jumper that needs to be shorted to set up the board for use with a Celeron, PIII or Cyrix CPU.  There are also jumpers to manually set the FSB but leaving them set to their default configuration allows for FSB selection via the BIOS.  Should you choose not to use the on-board audio, there is also a jumper to disable it.

The AVE3 comes with an installation CD that holds VIA’s 4-in-1 drivers, which you should install to properly take advantage of the performance and features of this board.  However, there is a newer version (4.22) available on VIA’s site which I recommend using.  Once the board is mounted and your cards are installed, installing the VIA driver set is the only other step.  The software installation went without a hitch.  Drivers for the on-board audio are embedded within Windows, so for some of you not installing a fresh copy of Windows, your Windows CD may be needed.

Our Test System
Ready to rock

Intel PIII 600 (at 600mhz & 744mhz), 256mb Mushkin 2-2-2 PC133 ram, 3dfx Voodoo5 5500, IBM 22GXP HD, Plextor UltraPlex 40max, Windows 98SE, DirectX 7.0a and VIA 4-in-1 v4.22

Overclocking The AVE3
What's up with that?

This board is a strange duck when it comes to overclocking.  Although it has the ability to adjust core voltage by 10% and has FSBs from 66-150mhz, the manner by which the FSBs are selected won’t appeal to the hardcore overclocker.  Should you be using a processor that uses a 66MHz FSB by default, the AVE3 will only allow you to select FSBs between 66 and 95MHz.  If your processor uses a 100MHz FSB, by default you can select FSBs between 100 and 124MHz. Finally, f your processor uses a 133MHz FSB, you’ll be able to select FSBs between 124 and 150MHz.  With many of today’s PIII E chips,  overclocking to FSBs over 133mhz and the Celeron IIs overclocking well past FSBs of 100MHz., the AVE3 won’t be able to get you to that “next level”.  Hopefully in a future BIOS revision this quirk will be worked out.  We’ll keep you posted.


Benchmarkign The AVE3
Quick as a bunny


We did however, have some good results when overclocking this board.  The benchmarks scores speak for themselves.  Let’s see how it did using SiSoft Sandra 2000.

PIII @ 600                                              PIII @ 744

PIII @ 600                                              PIII @ 744

Memory throughput has really improved with the later revisions of the VIA 133a Chipset.

PIII @ 600                                              PIII @ 744

The Transcend AVE3 does not disappoint in terms of performance, however this processor has Overclocked higher in other motherboards.  If the AVE3 would have allowed us to select any of its available FSBs, I’m fairly certain it would have passed with flying colors.  Memory performance is slightly lower than some other VIA 133a based boards we've used, but only by a slight margin. 


We also ran ZD Winbench 2000 while overclocked to give you a general idea of the overall performance to expect:

These are very respectable numbers across the entire spectrum.  We would also like to add that throughout testing we did not experience any stability issues whatsoever.  The Transcend AVE3 is a rock solid performer.


With the exception of the quirky FSB selection there really isn’t anything to hold against the AVE3  and future BIOS revisions may even eradicate that "problem".  It was a solid performer and didn’t skip a beat throughout our entire barrage of testing.  If Transcend’s service and support prove to be good in the future, we expect to see more great things from them later on down the line. 

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