The ATi Radeon 8500
Driver Update 11/14/01
One step closer but still not quite there yet

By Dave Altavilla



Benchmarks and Comparisons - R8500 Vrs. GF3 Ti500
Vupline and Quake 3

The final scores are coming to a close here.  Let's look at what Vulpine's GLMark has to offer.


It looks as if the driver team at ATi still has a fair amount of work to do with OpenGL performance.  This is painfully obvious in 1600X1200 resolution where the hardware becomes more of a limitation than drivers and software overhead.  The R8500 is actually fairly close in high resolutions with this test.

The final word of course, comes from Quake 3 Arena.

Once again, we'll let the numbers stand on their own merit.  The Radeon 8500 seems to be a flagship class piece of hardware that is still hampered by sub par driver performance.


Three weeks have gone by since initial test of the Radeon 8500 and ATi is keeping its commitment of regular driver updates in 2 - 3 week cycles.  This is the first revision of the driver since launch and for sure many of the issues have been rectified and overall performance has improved significantly.  We are encouraged by ATi's efforts with the release and hope that they will continue to optimize, their more than capable 3D Graphics Hardware platform, with better and better software.

At this point, we feel obligated to rate the Radeon 8500 as the card has been on the retail market for a month now and ATi has taken strides to improve upon the product.  However, frankly we were hoping for more with this driver release.  The R8500 still couldn't drive AA correctly, if at all in certain games and still at least one other title we are aware of, is basically non-functional on this card. 

Performance with the R8500 is a bit of a mixed bag.  At various points in our testing the product showed moments of excellence and strength versus others in its class.  Still at times we were left expecting more from a top of the line card in the $250 - $299 price range.  We're going to cross our collective fingers for now and hope that ATi continues to improve on the drivers for the R8500 and allow it to be all it can be.  We're giving the Radeon 8500 a HotHardware Heat Meter Rating of...

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